Kardelen Ltd Uncategorized Wisdom Tooth Treatment

Wisdom Tooth Treatment


It could be that you have to take out the wisdom teeth in case they are making you suffer. The third molar is usually seen at around the age of 17 years old.

Wisdom teeth need to be removed when they don`t align properly, they are not developing in the right direction, or if they are impinged (stuck between two teeth). An impacted tooth could cause several oral health problems, like pain, infection, and damage to nearby teeth.

Why would it be necessary?

Wisdom teeth, often called third molars, constitute the final set of molars that develop. These teeth are from an age when people consumed more hard leaves, seeds, and roots than they do now. They are no longer serving any important function in the mouth, as other molars are more than capable of doing the task.

Dentists suggest getting rid of these teeth regardless of where they are situated in the mouth. This is the best method to safeguard your mouth and avoid several painful conditions. Check this out: -

The wisdom tooth`s roots tooth may press against or wrap around jaw`s nerves. This can cause pain, swelling, or even interfere with normal functioning of your lips, tongue and your chin. If your dentist is concerned about this, he or she could remove the tooth and replace it by implants made of dental material.

Another reason why you may need to remove your wisdom tooth is if it`s preventing other teeth from developing correctly or is causing harm to the nearby teeth and gums. It is possible to need your wisdom tooth removed if it`s too crowded or if it is growing an unnatural angle.

They could cause problems if they do not break through to the gums. They may force other teeth towards the side, causing teeth that are not aligned properly or bite issues.

Also, they can cause food particles and plaque to accumulate within the molars that are next to them. This could lead to dental cavities. Because they are hard to keep clean, they could increase the chance of developing gum infections and gum disease.

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, your dentist will want to see your dentist as quickly as possible to have it removed. Once they determine that your tooth causes discomfort or other issues, they`ll suggest an extraction.

What is the reason it is needed?

Dentists and oral surgeons will recommend removal of wisdom teeth in the event that the third molars (also called wisdom teeth) are not growing in correctly or are fully affected. When you remove the teeth you can avoid future dental issues and improve your oral health.

In your first visit to the dentist, the dentist will take xrays in order to identify all four wisdom teeth. The x-rays can indicate whether or not wisdom teeth are developing in a proper manner.

The x-rays will also show any potential issues that your wisdom teeth might create. This could include crowding of teeth as well as misalignment and tooth decay and gum disease.

Furthermore, your dentist will examine your bite to determine if your current teeth are being pushed or pulled out of alignment. These issues could cause misalignment of your existing teeth, causing jaw pain and crookedness.

Additionally teeth that have been impacted could become food and bacteria traps, causing infections and cavities. It is also possible to suffer from a distorted bite and suffer from headaches, jaw discomfort, or other issues when they press on the tooth adjacent to it.

It`s essential to visit your dentist as fast as you can if you`re suffering from pain in your jaw or teeth. The dentist will be able to diagnose the problem and determine whether the wisdom teeth are infected.

Your dentist may suggest wisdom tooth extraction in the event that your teeth are causing health issues. These include infection or discomfort. It could be impacted teeth that are causing damage to your other teeth or gum disease which can result in the loss of bone.

Surgery is a common procedure however, they require a lot of training and expertise. This is the reason it is frequently recommended to get your wisdom teeth removed as early as possible to avoid complications.

If you are attentive to your oral hygiene, you can lower the chance of developing an infection after having your wisdom teeth removed. Make sure you rinse your mouth with antimicrobial rinses and make sure you eat soft food items. Avoid drinking with a straw, smoking and spitting.

It is also recommended to have your wisdom teeth removed whenever feasible if you are suffering from other dental problems, such as gum disease or tooth decay. These problems can be more difficult to treat when you have wisdom teeth that are impacted or not growing in properly.

What is the process that takes place?

An anaesthetic, also known as a sedative is administered by your dentist prior to the procedure. This way you won`t experience pain. When taking out your tooth the dentist will use special tools to loosen the tooth so that it is possible to remove it. They`ll also use a pair of dental forceps to remove your tooth and clean the region.

Wisdom teeth removal could be completed in one session or they can break them down into smaller pieces. This will speed up the healing process in your mouth.

Once the anaesthetic has begun to work, they`ll make several small cut-offs along your gum line to eliminate the tooth and bone. They`ll then stitch the gums back together so that it doesn`t heal improperly.

There will probably be some swelling and pain, however it will subside within one week. Follow your dentist`s instructions for aftercare. For example don`t drink or eat anything hot and you shouldn`t clean your teeth near the site of surgery. You may also need a mouthwash that contains antiseptic or antibiotics.

Your mouth may feel numb, you may experience some pressure as the wisdom tooth is removed. It is normal. It is also common to be prescribed painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

The surgeon will slit the gums surrounding your tooth in order to see the roots and bone below. The surgeon can use scalpels or other dental tools to do this.

They`ll place a bandage in your mouth once your oral surgeon has removed your tooth and bone. This will stop the bleeding. They`ll also apply gauze on your mouth to ensure that the extraction socket can form a blood clot, that is essential to avoid “dry socket” and other issues from occurring.

It`s recommended to take care of the extraction site and to visit the dentist once again following the operation. You should also make sure to drink a lot of fluids to maintain the blood clot`s strength.

What happens in the future?

The dental surgeon or dentist will apply a gauze pad over the surgical area to absorb blood. It can be replaced as often as required. A syringe for irrigating is also available to get rid of any food debris that has been trapped whenever you eat or as needed.

Most patients resume normal eating habits after three days. However, some may require additional time to make sure that the site of extraction is fully healed.

The mouth can feel a little uncomfortable right away following the extraction of wisdom teeth. Your mouth will become more relaxed as time passes and healing takes place.

Once surgery is over it is advised to avoid chewing your cheeks or lips because this could cause bruising to form on these regions. Spitting excessively could also dislodge blood clots that already formed.

If you notice severe bleeding or swelling, you should consult your dentist as soon following your wisdom tooth extraction as soon as you can. It will be gone within seven days; typically reaching its peak within three or four days after surgery.

After undergoing surgery It is important to adhere to the advice from your dentist on how to take care of your mouth. This will help prevent any complications or infections from arising later on.

After the removal of your wisdom tooth After wisdom tooth removal, you must be extra careful to speed up the recovery process. You will be given instructions by your dentist about when to eat food that is solid and when.

Choose liquids and foods that are easy to chew once you`re able. If you are unable to eat anything in any way, contact our office immediately for help.

After your surgery, your dentist may direct you not to clean or wash your teeth for a few days after being instructed by the dentist not to do it; after which time, you can continue to brush as usual.

You must also take antibiotics following the removal of your wisdom teeth. Your dentist will provide antibiotics with a prescription, or the store might offer these. This can help to increase healthy bacteria in your mouth, which are essential for healing.